
Designing and sending your newsletter

In order to send your e-mailings we offer you our online send-, formatting- and hosting tool. We make in consultation with you a design for your email templates. You can also send us your email-template.

In addition to a template we need a database with email addresses of your customers or members. It is possible to make selections within your database of email addresses, but in order to do that you need the right information of your customers or members. Once everything is ready you can easily send the email to all recipients.

Measuring your campaign

Besides that, you want to measure the results of the email campaign. What did your recipients do with the e-mail? How many Emails are opened and which links have been clicked on? Long story short, we can give you insight information about the click behaviour of your recipients. With this information we are able to accomplish the goal of fully satisfying the needs of your recipients even better at the next campaign.

Reach your customers with e-mail

From design to report